
8 subtle behaviors of people who are under stress but hide it well

How to recognize hidden signs of stress

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Photo: Pexels / Carolina Grabowska

In today's fast pace of life, stress is a constant companion for many. Some people are masters at hiding stress, so it's hard to recognize them. Although they seem calm and collected on the outside, they are fighting an uphill battle inside. In this article, we'll explore eight subtle behaviors that people who are stressed but hide it well often exhibit.

Outwardly, they act calm and collected, but inside they are fighting an uphill battle. In this article, we'll explore eight subtle behaviors that people who are stressed but hide it well often exhibit. These behaviors may be invisible at first glance, but a careful observer can recognize signs that reveal inner turmoil.

1. They are always busy

People who hide their stress often fill their schedule up to the last minute. This allows them to avoid dealing with their own thoughts and feelings. Constant employment serves them as an escape from inner distress and allows them to avoid talking about their problems​​.

2. Sleep problems

Sleep is closely related to our emotional state. People who are under stress often suffer from insomnia or oversleeping. The inner restlessness does not allow them to relax and sleep well​​.

3. They avoid deep conversations

Talking about personal experiences and emotions is too risky for people who hide stress. Therefore, they prefer to stick to superficial topics and avoid content that would reveal their true feelings​​.


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4. They become perfectionists

Perfectionism is often a sign of hidden stress. People under stress strive to achieve perfection in order to prove their worth to themselves and others. Despite the achievements, they remain dissatisfied and tense​​.

5. They are overly critical of themselves and others

People who hide their stress often direct their dissatisfaction at themselves and others. Self-criticism and criticizing others is the way they express their inner distress.​​

6. They withdraw from social contacts

When someone is under a lot of stress, they often lose the will to socialize. They withdraw from social events to avoid additional pressure and pretend that everything is fine.


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7. Changes in body weight

Sudden weight loss or gain can be a sign of underlying stress. Changes in appetite and eating habits are often the result of internal distress.

8. They need a lot of validation

People who are under stress often seek validation from others. Their confidence is in tatters, so they need constant encouragement and praise to make them feel better​​.


Recognizing these subtle signs can help you understand and support people who are under stress but skillfully hiding it. If you recognize any of these signs in yourself or those close to you, it is important to talk and find ways to manage stress. Remember that professional help is always welcome and can make a big difference.

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