
8 Things Mature Men Don't Do!

Photo: envato

What is a mature man like? Given that men often remain childish for a long time, and women often jokingly say that even after decades of marriage, their husband has another child at home.

Women like men who give them a sense of security and acceptance, and they can only get that from those who themselves are mature and know what they want and appreciate the right values.

Psychologists say that you will recognize a mature man by never doing these things:

They don't do things just to please others

Younger men often know that they are doing something to impress other people, a girl, friends, a new company... Unlike immature men, mature men do not need to change their attitude to please or impress someone. They are ready to stand by their decisions, which inspires respect.

He respects his woman. Photo: Slavcho Malezanov / Unsplash

They do not dream of a perfect woman who has no flaws

Many relationships break up because men or women tend to idealize their partner and then become disappointed. A mature man is not looking for a perfect woman, but one who is realistic and who will know how to love him even with his flaws. He is ready to adapt and make compromises.

They don't get confused

Mature men realize that we are all different and that men and women do not have the same views on certain things, that they have different priorities and reactions and accept that.

They control anger

Mature men know how to control anger and anything that can be harmful to themselves and the people around them. They are willing to apologize if they make a mistake and accept the other party's apology and forgive completely.

They are not insecure about their physical appearance

They are self-confident and realize that physical appearance should not be a priority for a real man, that a person's character is much more important. They have no problem experimenting with their appearance, and they don't mind negative comments.

He stands by what he says! Photo: Kevin Quezada / Unsplash

They do not reject family and friends

The older they are, the more they realize the importance of family and friends, and they don't want life's paths to separate them from the people they love. They value quality time spent with the people they love.

They stand up for themselves

Mature men are self-confident, respect themselves and others. If someone tries to harass them, they will stand up for themselves. They will not argue, nor are they prone to physical violence. Their attitude, look, words, tone of voice is enough.

They don't play

They realize what a real man is, who knows how to put a woman on a pedestal, who appreciates all her peculiarities and values.

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