
8 things no one told you will happen when you become a mother

Thank you for being and always being my safe place, for always being there for me, even when the whole world turns against me, you are - on my side. Thank you for being me, I love you even though I don't tell you this often enough. Thank you for everything! Thank you for being who you are. My mom.

When you become a mother for the first time, along with unconditional love for your baby, many emotions are awakened in you. You would have a hard time dealing with them without the help of hormones that rewire your brain in certain ways to help you take care of natural things like breastfeeding.

During this time, you will learn about things that can leave you confused and stressed.

1. Breastfeeding does not always occur naturally

Although it seems to be one of the most natural things, many women are in great distress because they do not meet their own expectations regarding breastfeeding. Lack of milk is not the only problem that can happen to them. The problem arises if there is too much milk and painful mastitis occurs.

2. Caring about appearance becomes a thing of the past

Before having children, you never imagined that you wouldn't be bothered by vomit on your clothes. That you won't be able to enjoy drinking your morning coffee without being disturbed by the crying of a baby. Scheduling tasks that need to be done will be the last thing you want to spend some of your precious free time doing. But don't worry - sooner or later it will return to normal. As soon as your little one gets used to this world, or when he grows a little or…

3. You will constantly try to say "no" when others say "yes"

Be prepared to be, whether you like it or not, the strictest person in your child's life. Everyone else will pamper this cute little creature and let him do whatever he wants. However, you will often be warned that you are too strict.
Don't dwell on it, you are responsible for your child. Experts say: "You do children a terrible disservice if they go into the world thinking that everything revolves around them."

4. Others will give you opinions on literally everything

You'll soon find that nothing will infuriate you faster than no one missing an opportunity to give you advice. Whether it's your parents, friends or even strangers. They will find even a small opportunity for it, say, the way you dress your child, what you feed him, how you wipe his nose... Everything!
No one likes unsolicited advice, especially moms, because no one understands your child's needs better than you. He was with you (alone) in your belly for 9 months.

5. You will put too much pressure on yourself

Mom guilt is something very real and you will understand it as soon as your little one comes into your life. You want to be perfect in every little thing, and if something doesn't go as smoothly or as planned, you can really feel depressed. Remember there are good days and bad days, so it would be better not to stress yourself, but rather enjoy every moment.

6. Your marriage will change

Sometimes you will hate your husband for sleeping so soundly while you had to wake up at 4am to feed the baby. But when you see your partner is the most caring dad in the world, you cry with happiness.
A whole new level of relationship is created between you. You are raising a little person together, and maybe because of this, your marriage will become stronger.

7. Diapers can sometimes - betray you

It seems so simple - you just need to put a diaper on the baby and there are no more worries. You might be surprised to find it so difficult to figure out which brand of diapers will work best for your baby.
Also, be prepared for some disappointments when you dress a cute baby in the cutest clothes, which will be stained with poop in an hour or so. And of course mommies of boys - always make sure you cover everything properly to avoid a small fountain.

8. Your baby will never cease to amaze you

Children can be unpredictable at any age. It will probably be your first surprise that such a small and cute creature can release such a "smelling" fart. Their behavior will never be predictable - they will not eat and sleep for a day. The next day they will cry like they are watching Titanic and the next day they will be the calmest smiling little creatures.
As they grow up, they get even more creative - you can leave them in one (very safe!) position and when you come back, find that they've rolled onto the edge of the bed. Their imagination to do things they would never think of is truly endless.

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