Most women want to know how to attract and keep a man. In this article, we will discuss the things that turn men off in general.
Whatever you decide to do (or not do) with these insights is entirely up to you, but in any case, it's good to know.
Too much thinking and analyzing
Women tend to overanalyze and overthink the actions of their partners. They try to read their minds and end up missing.
You don't need to analyze his every action or step. Don't try to understand his intentions and don't get too worked up about who should call who first or who should text first, etc. Love is demanding, and when you can, give your best, without calculating. There is nothing attractive about a woman who overanalyzes and tries to penetrate the deeper meaning of things, and neither does such a man. Try to learn not to insist, even in an argument, that you know the reason why your man behaved in a certain way.
A woman should be herself, with or without a man. She must never be completely dependent on her partner and expect him to give meaning to her life.
Another level of insecurity is that she perceives her man as an adulterer and feels that she has to control every step. For example, she comes home from work late and instead of asking what went wrong, she assumes he was with another woman. She then asks questions, monitors his cell phone and assigns a hidden meaning to each saved contact. He suspects every woman around him. This turns men off a lot. And instead of attracting him to you, you just push him away. Every person wants to be trusted and it is a great insult to accuse someone of something they have not done.
Another thing related to insecurity is a lack of self-confidence regarding one's appearance and constant regret without concrete action. Some women complain to the point that the man feels responsible for their dissatisfaction.
Disrespecting his private space and time
Men sometimes withdraw into themselves and simply want to be alone. They are analytical and need some time away from the noise to think and find solutions to the problems that plague them. Men have less need for conversations and when they are in a bad mood, it is often better to leave them alone to think about their problem by themselves.
It's normal to want to share problems and anecdotes with your partner, but each of us needs a little solitude sometimes.
Photo: Alexander Mils/Pexels
Neglected appearance
Every man wants a woman he can show off. Beauty attracts them and is high on their priority list. Of course, you don't have to walk around the house in high heels, but don't wear an old baggy t-shirt and sweatpants every day. Sometimes try to dress up more than usual, because men love beautiful hair, smell and the charm that appears when a woman feels beautiful herself.
Expecting a man to read minds
Most women expect their partners to read their minds and know their needs without telling them. And when their needs aren't met, they resort to silence and manipulation to make men think what's wrong. This may even work for a while, but certainly not in the long run.
When he hurts you, tell him loud and clear, don't wait for him to ask you what's wrong. Men like happy women who radiate positive energy, not women who cook mule and are generally negative.
Since men haven't yet developed a sixth sense to help satisfy all of women's needs, you can at least praise him when he tries. Try to complain less, otherwise you will achieve the opposite effect.
When you feel that he should do more for you, kindly tell him so. Don't compare him to others because it can hurt his ego and turn him away from you.
You are trying to change it
In the early stages of a relationship, due to falling in love, we have an idealized image of our partner, but over time we begin to see our partner as he is. It is best to see the real face as soon as possible and decide whether to stay or leave.
Once you decide to stay with your partner, don't try to change them. Let him be him. Men do not tolerate women who try to mold them, aggressive and dominant women repel men. Of course, you can help him shop for fashion items, for example, but don't insist that he has to dress a certain way.
Photo: Rodnae Productions/Pexels
Some women have a habit of talking on the phone with their friends for long hours. This should be reserved for those hours of the day when the partner is not around or when everyone is doing their work. If you are with him, pay attention to him, because he might get jealous if you spend your time together talking to other people.
Remember that no man is perfect and will never fit your ideal image. You will have to accept some things and live with them, overlook the smaller problems and talk about the bigger ones. It is important for both of you to feel good when you are around each other. But they can only achieve this with mutual love and understanding.