The iTunes online store, where virtual shelves are crowded with applications, is like a 99 cent shop. Many of them are free, and even more have a price of a few cents or euros. However, there is also a section where prices soar to the ceiling (this one is at $999.99, approx. 790 euros). On this site, we have collected a few that are sinfully expensive.
Although purchases through App Stora innocent of our budget, since average price applications amounts to 15 euro cents, and even low numbers add up quickly, especially since it's so easy to buy. And especially, because all applications are apparently like that tempting. But this world is also full of scams and tries to convince you of many things just to get your money, however it takes you thirsty over water.
Some of them applications they just aren't worth the money and they only exploit the ignorance of the users. For the following, who ask you to a hefty wad of cash, it's all clean (it's not a scam), but it's still questionable if they justify their price. Even if we know that there are quite a few of them more expensive like the phones themselves.
VIP Black – $999.99
VIP BlackVIP Black the application, as the name suggests - and even more so the price - is intended for the chosen ones, for the rich, which informs them about exclusive events and to everything that belongs to the life of the one from 4th tax class. He offers them ironically discounts (in restaurants, for concert tickets), but more than that it will probably come in handy as a ticket for upgrade of hotel rooms, etc. Of course, a thousand dollars will not be enough for you to become 1% overnight, sorry, over the transfer, because you will have to first to prove, that you have enough under your thumb.
Vizzywig 4K – $999.99
Vizzywig 4K4K camera allows us to record recordings in exceptional resolution and Vizzywig 4K, that in seconds we capture what 24 recordings. It may be sinfully expensive, but that's why it's top-notch, but it still has a hard time justifying its price.
CyberTuner - $999
CyberTunerWith seventeen years of experience in his pocket Rayburn Piano Service collected his knowledge in application, which strongly makes work easier each one of a piano advertiser, carrying a smartphone in his pocket.
KGulf – $499
KGulfKgulf it may be expensive but an impressive app because simulates tides and water level in any part Persian Gulf between 1975 and 2035. Yes, KGulf is like looking into a glass ball. But not one of those offered by the Water Globe below.
SafeSession Voice Encryption - $299
SafeSession Voice EncryptionAre you worried that you eavesdropping An owl? Application SafeSession Voice Encryption will coded yours calls, but only if the interlocutor will also use the same application.
Water GlobeApplication Water Globe has a surprisingly high number of relatively high ratings, considering that it is only about digital glass snow globes with different content that responds to your touch.
Sexy Finger Print Test HD - $99
Sexy Finger Print Test HDIf you touch the screen while the application is running Sexy Finger Print Test HD, this one will be for you from the finger "prophesied"' how sexy you are. Screen, screen, say on your smartphone…
The Professional Chef – $49
The Professional ChefIt probably is The Professional Chef the only application from this selection where the price is proportional to what it offers. A case of cooking "bible" chefs (of chefs), which serves you a truly rich culinary knowledge and is required reading anyone who wants to get serious about cooking.
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