
8 tricks to help your child picky eaters

Photo: envato

Convincing children to eat a variety of nutrient-dense foods can sometimes seem like an uphill battle. However, with a little patience, creativity and a dash of parental wisdom, picky eaters can be helped to develop healthier eating habits. How to help a child if he is a picky eater?

By implementing certain strategies parents can gradually encourage to a picky child they gradually accept healthier and more varied food. Remember that patience and persistence are key when it comes to cultivating healthy eating habits.

Children sometimes need to see the same food several times before they want to try it. If you are consistent and persistent, eventually they will definitely want to try what you have in store for them.
Photo: gogo/Pexels

Lead by example

Children often imitate the behavior they observe around them. Be a positive example so, to demonstrate healthy eating habits yourself. Let them see you enjoying a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Make mealtimes a family affair where everyone eats the same nutritious meals together.

Involve children in meal planning and preparation

Include your picky eater in meal planning and preparation. Take them grocery shopping and let them pick out fruits and vegetables that interest them. Encourage them to help wash and chop vegetables or mix ingredients while preparing meals. This collaboration will give them a sense of ownership and curiosity about the food they eat.

Create a colorful plate

Presentation plays a key role in picky eaters who are attracted to trying new foods. Use it a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, to make their plate visually appealing. Vibrant shades will pique their curiosity and make the meal more enjoyable. Experiment with different shapes and arrangements to pique their interest.

Photo. Sydney/Pexels

Introduce new foods gradually

Introducing new foods all at once can overwhelm picky eaters. Instead, introduce new items gradually, one by one. Start with small portions and combine them with familiar favorites. Encourage your child to bite and explore new flavors without pressuring him to eat the whole portion.

Make healthy food fun

Make healthy eating an enjoyable experience, so yes make food fun. Use cookie cutters to cut fruits and vegetables into interesting shapes or create food art with colorful ingredients. Arrange a variety of healthy snacks on a plate and encourage your child to create a creative design with them. This playful approach can make healthy eating more appealing.

Use sauces

Children often enjoy dipping food in sauces and dips. Take advantage of this by offering nutritious options like hummus, yogurt-based dips. These dips add flavor and texture to foods, making them more appealing to picky eaters.

Take a "trial" bite

Encourage your child to he bites at least one "try" of each new food on the plate. Emphasize that it's okay if they don't like it, but encourage them to keep an open mind and try different foods several times. Taste preferences can change over time and repeated exposure can eventually lead to acceptance.

Photo: Jill/Pexels

Offer healthy alternatives

Instead of relying on processed snacks and sweets, provide your child with healthier alternatives. Chips replace it with baked vegetable chips, offer yogurt instead of ice cream or provide homemade and healthy snacks instead of sweets. These alternatives can help satisfy cravings while providing valuable nutrients.

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