
8 tricks to make sure your lipstick lasts all day and night

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Photo: Sam Lion /Pexels

Finding long-lasting lipstick often feels like a race against time. In this article, we reveal eight tips that ensure that your lipstick will remain an unwavering companion.

Finding the perfect one shade of lipstick it is a triumph, but the real challenge is to ensure that it is lasting lipstick all day and all night. Whether you're heading out for a busy day at work, a special event or a night out on the town. With these tricks, you can wear your favorite with confidence lipstick shade from morning to night. The key is to prep your lips, use the right products and include some tricks, to increase the durability of your lipsticks.

Photo: Sam Lion/Pexels

Lipstick that lasts all day

1. Try translucent powder

Start with a light application translucent powder on the lips. This trick creates a smooth canvas, absorbs excess moisture and helps your lipstick adhere better. Simply apply a thin layer of powder.

2. Use Lip Primer

Much like the primer for your face, it is lip primer the perfect base for your lipstick. Apply a small amount to lips and allow to set before applying lipstick. Lip primers not only increase the longevity of your lipstick, but also prevent it from fading.

3. Lip liner

Fill in the lips with a lip liner in a shade close to your own natural lip color. This creates a base that anchors your lipstick, ensuring it stays in lines and resists bleeding all day or night.

4. Stick to multiple thin coats

Applying lipstick in several thin layers is a tip for long durability. Apply thin layers and allow each layer to dry before adding the next. This technique not only increases the color payoff, but also creates a flexible lipstick shell that will not succumb to wear.

5. Long-lasting lipstick

Opt for lipsticks labeled as “long-lasting” or “resistant to transfer". These formulations usually contain ingredients that adhere to the lips and provide a lasting look. Long-lasting lipsticks come in a variety of shades and textures, so you can find the perfect option for both daytime elegance and nighttime appeal.

6. Application

Apply a small amount of lipstick to the tip of your finger and gently press on the lipse. This technique gives a subtle but long-lasting shade that emphasizes the natural color of your lips. the result? An effortlessly fresh look that lasts for hours.

7. Using a tissue

Classic technique using a tissue, remains a proven method for long-lasting lipstick. After applying lipstick, blot your lips with a tissue to remove excess product. Then add a dusting of translucent loose powder.

8. Exfoliation of the lips

Smooth, supple lips are the ideal canvas for long-lasting lipstick. Regularly exfoliate your lips, to remove dry or scaly skin. You can make a simple lip scrub at home with a mixture of sugar and honey. Gently massage the exfoliator onto your lips, then rinse off for a full-on oiliness that'll be ready on top of your favorite lipstick all day and night.

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