
9 Brutally Honest Reasons Why People Cheat

Have you already or just thought about cheating on your partner?

Cheating, the word itself makes you feel uncomfortable and reject the attitude towards the person who cheated. But not everything is so black and white.

You won't believe it, but each of you is capable of cheating. Some of you will quickly raise your voice in your mind and say: "No, I don't."

Really? Believe me - everyone. Unintentionally. Especially when there are wrong moments, wrong circumstances around you, a person can step in your path, just at that worst moment, and knock the ground out from under your feet.

That doesn't make you a bad person, you're just a flesh and blood human being. Vulnerable. An emotional being. Things are never just good or bad. The world is not black and white.

Cheating is a gray area that usually has a lot more to do with the person cheating, with their expectations, disappointments – than actually with their partner.

Let's look at nine reasons why people cheat.

1. Boredom

This is probably one of the dumbest reasons to cheat. If you're bored, spice up your sex life with your partner, find a new hobby, a pet, or something similar.
Don't leave someone between the sheets just because you have nothing better to do. Believe it or not, many people find this a valid reason for infidelity.

2. Revenge

Your partner has cheated on you, lied to you, perhaps betrayed you in some other way - whatever the reason - you want revenge. Will you really feel better after cheating? Or will you just feel even more empty and hurt?

3. Confirmation

Maybe you've gained a few pounds and aren't comfortable in your own skin, so you just want to feel desirable again. Maybe your partner hasn't been paying enough attention to you lately and you no longer feel that he wants you. You feel like you are no longer attracted to him. You imagine that sleeping with someone else will give you the validation you crave.

4. Loneliness

Your partner may not give you what you need. Their love language is different from yours, they are caught up in their own lives and you feel left out.
Are you in a long-distance emotional relationship because you miss intimacy? This isn't about your partner, it's about you. It's about filling the hole it leaves in your life.

5. You try to get your partner's attention

This may stem from a feeling of neglect, but it does not necessarily go hand in hand with loneliness. Maybe your partner spends too much time on work and not enough time for you. Maybe you are struggling with something and they just don't see it. In this case, cheating can be a call for help, a call for attention.

6. They just don't care

Some do not take loyalty seriously. They may be in a monogamous relationship on paper, but they never intended to stick with it.

7. Sadness

Grief can do strange things to people, everyone deals with it in their own way. Sometimes the people who are with you are the ones you don't want around you at that moment.
You don't want to talk, to discuss. You are disturbed by the feeling of love. You want somewhere in your world to remember and feel that you are alive. And unfortunately, many people look for answers in other people, in intimate relationships with strangers.

8. Lack of sexual satisfaction

Communication is the foundation of any relationship. If one of the partners is not satisfied with the intimate relationship, he should only confide this to the other. You should find solutions through conversation, confide your sexual fantasies. Unfortunately, some people find it easier to cheat than to talk. So they look elsewhere for what they lack.

9. Self-destruction

Sometimes you do things that hurt each other. Sometimes it is physical pain, sometimes it is emotional pain, which many find difficult to deal with. Deliberate cheating on a partner, perhaps even so blatant that it would be easily revealed, can be a manifestation of this pain.

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