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9 female qualities that men adore that have nothing to do with looks

Looks aren't everything!

Looks can be debated, but these features are not. Dot! And men totally agree with that.

Every woman is unique in her own way. It has its own unique beauty, wonderful character traits. A man loves a woman's smile, her legs, her butt, her hair, but there are some things that all men love about a woman, without exception.

What features are these? Let's see.

1. Men love women who laugh

A wide and sincere smile makes a woman more attractive to men. Studies have shown that a man feels better in the company of a smiling woman.

2. Men like women who can cook

There is an old and wise saying that love leads through the stomach. No wonder, then, that men love a woman who can cook well.

3. Men like playful women

Sometimes it is important to forget about serious adult life and indulge in fun, to be playful and happy like a child.

4. Men like women who are caring

Tenderness, love and care for men are very important. Therefore, they are looking for a woman who will take care of them and caress them.

Men like smiling and independent women. Photo: Anastasia Nelen / Unsplash

5. Men like nice women

Men want an empathetic woman who will support him and be there for him when he needs her.

6. Men like women who have their own interests

A successful and fulfilled woman is the dream of every man. She has her own interests besides her partner, which makes her more confident and attractive.

7. Men like women who know how to compromise

Compromise is important in any relationship, and men love women who don't think they're always right, and who know how to listen to someone else's point of view.

8. Men like women with a sense of humor

A sense of humor for men is very important for the fairer sex. They want to be the one to bring a smile to their face.

9. Men love women who enjoy life

Complaining and ranting is an unattractive trait, regardless of gender. This is exactly why men like to be in the company of women who fully enjoy life and always see the positive side of the story.

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