
9 weird behind-the-scenes movie facts that sound completely fictional

If you are a fan of timeless hits that you still like to spin and enjoy after many years, see what vicissitudes happened behind the scenes during their recording.

These are some facts from behind the scenes of movies, which sound contrived:

1. Samuel L. Jackson accepted the role in Snakes on a Plane just because of the title.

Samuel L. Jackson accepted the role in Snakes on a Plane just because of the title.
Samuel L. Jackson accepted the role in Snakes on a Plane just because of the title.

During the shooting of the film, they are the title Snakes on a Plane changed to Pacific Air Flight 121, but Samuel L. Jackson requested that they revert to the original title. He later admitted that the title was the only reason he took the role.

2. Tom Cruise improvised the famous kiss in Top Gun.

Tom Cruise improvised the famous kiss in Top Gun.
Tom Cruise improvised the famous kiss in Top Gun.

Cruise is in a fight with Kelly McGilli forgot his text so he kissed her. This impromptu kiss was left in the film, and it became one of the most iconic moments in the film.

3. Jim Carrey underwent torture training because the mask he had to wear in How the Grinch Stole Christmas was too heavy.

Jim Carrey trained in torture training because the masks and make-up he had to wear in How the Grinch Stole Christmas were too difficult.
Jim Carrey trained in torture training because the masks and make-up he had to wear in How the Grinch Stole Christmas were too difficult.

Installation Carrey's mask took eight and a half hours, but when they took it off, he said he felt as if he had been buried alive. He said that after the first day of shooting, he angrily told director Ron Howard that he couldn't make this movie. Brian Grazer came up with the idea of hiring a gentleman who trained CIA operatives to teach Carrey how to survive torture.

4. Vin Diesel had fake tattoos of his favorite characters in xXx for his love of Dungeons and Dragons.

Vin Diesel had fake tattoos of his favorite characters in the movie xXx because of his love for the action game Dungeons and Dragons.
Vin Diesel had fake tattoos of his favorite characters in the movie xXx because of his love for the action game Dungeons and Dragons.

Vin Diesel is obsessed with playing Dungeons and Dragons and has stated several times that he has been playing it for 20 years. Because of this recognition, v movie xXx had a huge tattoo of his favorite character Melkor.

5. Stanley Kubrick chased Tom Cruise off the set of Eyes Wide Open to make him jealous.

Stanley Kubrick chased Tom Cruise off the set of m to make him jealous.
Stanley Kubrick chased Tom Cruise off the set of m to make him jealous.

To instill a real sense of jealousy in Cruise, he has Kubrick banned filming for six days, during which time Nicole Kidman filmed sexy scenes with a male model. Kubrick also forbade Kidman from discussing the scenes with Tom in order to create even more tension between the characters in the film.

6. Ridley Scott's children appeared in The Eighth to make the set look bigger.

Ridley Scott's children appeared in Alien to make the set look bigger.
Ridley Scott's children appeared in Alien to make the set look bigger.

When the crew is in the movie discovered the Alien, it was huge compared to them, and that was because Scott's children were also in the premises. During filming, they originally wanted to exclude this scene, as it would cost them a lot to create a space that would make the Alien look huge compared to them, so Scott created the illusion with the help of his children.

7. The films No room for old men and Tekla bo kri were filmed at the same time and in the same place.

The films No Country for Old Men and There Will Be Blood were filmed at the same time and in the same place.
The films No Country for Old Men and There Will Be Blood were filmed at the same time and in the same place.

There is no place for old people and Blood will flow were filmed in Texas just a few meters apart at the same time. The filming of No Room for Old Men had to be stopped for a day due to a large cloud of smoke created for the filming by the makers of Blood Will Flow.

8. In the movie Hell's Orange, Alex has a snake as a pet because he was afraid of other animals.

In A Clockwork Orange, Alex only has a snake as a pet because he was afraid of other animals.
In A Clockwork Orange, Alex only has a snake as a pet because he was afraid of the other animals.

Director Stanley Kubrick has always been notorious for putting actors in the most uncomfortable situations possible. When he realized that actor Malcom McDowell was afraid of reptiles, he decided to make his own the hero Alex take care of pet snakes.

9. A line in The Big Lebowski script saved the production $150,000.

A line in the script saved production $150,000 on The Big Lebowski.
A line in the script saved production $150,000 on The Big Lebowski.

The production team is in the movie intended to play Dead Flowers by the Rolling Stones, for which Allen Klein demanded $150,000. When Klein saw what the film looked like, he said, “This is it! You can have that song.”

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