
9th theater festival Prelet

Between May 21 and 29, the 9th Prelet Theater Festival will take place in the Slovenian Youth Theater and Glej Theater. This year, theater fans will be treated to 16 performances and a rich accompanying program.

Important information
Slovenian Youth Theater and Glej Theater
Entrance fee
9 euros for a single performance, 45 euros (until 30.4.) or 50 euros (after 1.5.) for a set of tickets for all 16 performances (not tied to one buyer)

Prelet is a festival that theater lovers are looking forward to this year for the ninth year in a row. From 21 to 29 May will be on stage Slovenian Youth Theatre and on stage Theaters See staged as many as sixteen shows in Ljubljana - fourteen own productions and two guest ones from Croatia and Slovenia. Both the Slovenian Youth Theater and the Glej Theater are famous as theaters where the audience can experience everything that modern theater has to offer, and their limitlessness and difference have been especially resounding in the last four years, since they have been working together in the organization of the Prelet festival.

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The accompanying events of the festival will be no less varied. On May 23, the Troika conference will take place, at which guests Mojca Zvezdana Dernovšek, Ervin Hladnik Milharčič and Janez Janša will discuss the current topic - borders. Actors who will create three theatrical productions before our eyes will also relate to them and the theme of borders, and on May 29, the festival will close with a co-production by Trojka. During the festival, theater lovers will gather at the Daktari club, where every day at 11 a.m. there will be a discussion in English about the play that took place the previous day, moderated by the Bulgarian director Mladen Alexiev.

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