
9 things that only couples with a wonderful relationship "own" - the first is the foundation of everything!

Photo: loveandwildhearts

Have you ever wondered how some people can have such amazing relationships? It's not about any magic... It's not even about what they do, it's about how much they relax to become who they are.

Here are nine things or traits of people who usually have wonderful relationships. The good news is that with some knowledge and practice, you too can develop these qualities and have beautiful and harmonious relationships.

1. They don't let the past affect them

As long as you worry about how your parents' problematic relationships might affect you or how you don't meet your parents' expectations, you won't be able to have good relationships.

No matter what your stah fear is, give it a try. Start by acknowledging that the fear exists, then remind yourself that you are not doomed. You live your life and have the power to create a successful partnership.

2. They are authentic

People who have deep and sincere relationships are not afraid to be who they are. They are not afraid to share their opinion and therefore also give their partner the freedom to act in this way.

3. They have confidence

If you rely on your partner's support to make you feel good enough, the relationship will be difficult to maintain.

We're not saying that you should never doubt yourself, which is impossible, but that doubt shouldn't constantly haunt you, just as your partner's main job shouldn't be to convince you that you need to be sure of yourself.

4. They try to inspire their partner, not change him

There is a subtle difference between wanting to change someone and inspiring someone to change. The difference is motivation.

The desire to change someone is selfish, but the desire to inspire another is selfless.

5. They allow themselves to be vulnerable

When we are vulnerable, we allow our partner to see us deeper and peer into our soul. It helps us develop a sense of trust that cannot be developed even with a thousand words.

6. They don't sacrifice, they give

You can think of giving to your partner in two ways: either how you sacrifice for the other person (which means you end up losing something), or how you give generously (which means that you can freely give something out of love).

This is a subtle but also very powerful understanding that will ease your relationship.

7. They don't hold grudges

Resentment basically means that you want to see the other person feel guilty or ashamed, which are destructive emotions. Being in a relationship with someone who makes you feel guilty or ashamed will never lead to a lasting, successful and solid relationship.

8. They allow their partner to be good at something

There is nothing more toxic to a relationship than the constant competition of who is better and who can do more. People with good relationships are very good at seeing the good qualities of their partner and don't feel the need to prove that they are better.

The only way you can be happy for your partner's good qualities is to be aware of your own and be grateful for them.

9. They make their partner happy and smile

Humor can bond two people more than anything else because it is spontaneous and sudden. When we laugh, we are not defensive; we allow ourselves to be who we are and the other person sees it.

Humor infuses cheerfulness and playfulness into a relationship.

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