
9 things only millennials will understand, and rightly so

Those born between 1980 and 2000 belong to the millennial generation. Due to similar experiences in education and social context, they share a similar way of thinking and living. All members of this generation use electronics and social networks to a large extent, are less religious than members of older generations, and are somewhat more liberal. In the article, you can read what are the things that only millennials will understand.

These are things only millennials will understand, and rightly so.

The joy of growing up in the 1990s

No one understands how good the 90s were for kids better than millennials. Back then, kids in jeans had fun taking photos with analog cameras, watched the now cult cartoons on Cartoon Network, and were still unencumbered by technological influence enough to find time and energy to play on playgrounds.

A period of obsession with the color pink

Almost every millennial girl (and quite a few guys too) has had at least a brief period of obsession with the color pink. At that time, the millennial dressed much of his world in shades of pink - from the room to the bedding, clothes, nails and toys.


Before there were powerful phones that included a music player, we had MP3s. Do you still have them in some dusty closet?

Do you still remember MP3s and records?
Do you still remember MP3s and records?

A constant desire to travel

Millennials have an unquenchable desire to travel. They want to get to know everyone and everything. When they return from their trip, they are already planning their next departure.

Listening to podcasts

Podcasts are as much a pleasure for millennials as watching series. They listen to them while working, while jogging and before going to bed.

Work from home

Millennials are a generation that is building a career in an era of exponential technological progress. So many people work from home. Of course, this has both bad and good sides.

Millennials often work from home
Millennials often work from home

Visiting cafes

Millennials who like to drink coffee (and almost everyone does) have a habit of going to the same coffee shop. In their city, they carefully study which cafe offers them the most in terms of coffee quality, comfort, pleasantness of the space and good prices, and then they settle in there like domestic cats.

Avocado, avocado, avocado

Millennials are obsessed with avocado - avocado on toast, in a smoothie, in a salad, on eggs... Who could blame them?

Avocado obsession
Avocado obsession

They are surrounded by potted plants

Millennials love to surround themselves with potted plants – especially those who live in cities. Perhaps this is a reflection of the lack of contact with nature.

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