
9 tricks to overcome jet lag

Jet lag, or exhaustion due to the time difference, understandably occurs especially in people who travel long distances by plane. Changing the cycle of day and night causes a change in the biological rhythm.

To mitigate "jet lies” you can contribute the most yourself. Because we believe that you don't want to make the first few days of your vacation bitter, we present to you 9 tricks to prevent the development of this insidious physical condition. This time the advice was shared by a doctor Ciara Yeates from the hospital London Doctors Clinic.

Before leaving

1. Adjust your bedtime.

Prepare for the time change before you leave.
Prepare for the time change before you leave.

We suggest that you start the process a few days before you leave for your trip. Each day, go to bed an hour or two earlier or later than the previous day. This way your customization will be easier.

2. Coordinate flight times.
If possible, choose to book a flight that arrives at your chosen destination in the early evening hours. Then try to stay awake for a while longer.

During the flight

3. Change the time on your watch.
Even before the plane takes off, set the clock according to the local time in the city of your travel destination. In this way, you will spend the time on the plane resting instead of looking at the clock.

4. Schedule a nap.

Many people have a hard time falling asleep on a plane.
Many people have a hard time falling asleep on a plane.

It's often hard to get some shut-eye on the plane, so take some sleeping aids with you. A comfortable pillow, anti-noise headphones and an eye mask will certainly not be superfluous.

5. Avoid alcohol.
We recommend that you do not consume alcoholic beverages during the flight. These can have disastrous consequences for the quality of your sleep. Instead, have a light meal and a few glasses of water.

Upon arrival

6. Don't fall asleep too quickly.
If possible, stay awake until at least 10 pm. Go to bed at the same time as at home.

7. Limit daytime naps.

A long afternoon nap has a bad effect on night sleep.
A long afternoon nap has a bad effect on night sleep.

Make sure you don't sleep more than 2 hours during the day. Use an alarm clock to limit afternoon naps. If you do not follow this advice on the first day, your adaptation will be significantly more difficult.

8. Explore the surroundings.
Your brain will adapt to the new time zone most easily with the help of sunlight. Pick a few sights you'd like to see and your day will go by much faster.

9. Avoid stimulants before bed.
Most people think that only coffee can really save them from "jet lag". Nevertheless, it is not recommended to consume it in the last few hours before going to bed, as it is classified as a stimulant, just like alcohol.

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