
9,000,000 words - the only time-lapse video worth watching

9,000,000 words - if you can only watch one time-lapse video today, let it be this one

"Life is a series of surprises." said the American essayist, writer and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson. One such is the stunning time-lapse recording 9,000,000 words, which reminds us that life is made up of tiny little things, which in the end, like pebbles in a mosaic, form a whole. Live in the moment and enjoy what life has to offer, because everything passes too quickly, like the mentioned time-lapse video by Patrick Weldon. And if a picture is worth a thousand words, a time-lapse recording is worth more than 9 million!

Time-lapse recordings have their own charm, the charm of nature and, in fact, everything that surrounds us, if only we know how to look with the right eyes and take time for the little things in life. They are everything that happens when we pursue our goals. And all that is life.

9,000,000 words time-lapse recording
9,000,000 words time-lapse recording

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And he wonderfully captured these crumbs of life, which are "lying on the ground" and just need to be picked up Patrick Weldon from Figurehead Media House in his time-lapse video 9,000,000 words.

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