
5 character traits that make up a fun personality

Practically every person wants to be loved. Although there will always be people who are negative towards you, you don't have to worry about them. You can easily shut them up with your fun personality.

How can you check if people really like you? Science believes that a likable person possesses the right combination of positive character traits.

Glenn Geher is a PhD in psychology serving at New York University SUNY New Paltz. After decades of quantitative research in the field of human personality, he is convinced that it is fun character consisting of 5 characteristics.

1. Extraversion

With openness and a positive attitude to laughter.
With openness and a positive attitude to laughter.

A person who is open and enjoys meeting new people and cultures is always well received in society.

2. Emotional stability

Sometimes in life we have to face unpleasant things. The key is to stay calm and positive even in difficult times.

3. Susceptibility

New ideas and ways of thinking often lead to better results.

4. Conscientiousness

Conscientious individuals are well received at work.
Conscientious individuals are well received at work.

If you are diligent, accurate and organized in your work, you will earn the respect of your colleagues.

5. Support

Your friends and loved ones will appreciate you even more if you always stand by them.

Can you boast of all the listed qualities? If this is indeed the case, we are sure that you are extremely popular in society.

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