
A fun calendar inspired by guest comments

There are usually a lot of calendars that come to an individual at the beginning of the year, but we rarely come across anything special, let alone fun. The Standard 2014 Calender that's it!

Basic information
Standard 2014 Calendar
The price

Are you also looking for a calendar every year in January that would successfully replace the old one? I usually find the right one there by March. The calendar on the wall, usually above the work desk, however, is important, as eyes often stop on it. What wouldn't it be nice to have a hearty smile every time we look at it? The Standard, an American chain of boutique hotels, hit the mark with this year's idea. It's a lucky chain of hotels in New York, Los Angeles and Miami, where they like to turn things upside down. Like their logo, for example, where they just turned the name of the hotel around. The calendar for 2014 was also created from the "upside down" philosophy. They selected twelve of the most interesting complaints and comments from their guests that had accumulated over the previous year, wrote them down on a calendar, visualized them, and assigned each of them its own month.

Thomas Mailaender took care of the photos, and in selected comments, for example, the guest thanks the hotel for the most epic cat of his life and for successfully bringing him home the next day; someone else thanks the hotel for taking excellent care of his puppy, and some couple would like to somehow compensate for the huge amount of money wasted in their bar. Imaginative and fun!

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