
A magical day

  On Sunday, the streets of the old city center in Koper will turn into a magical, lively and lively scene of many activities, workshops and...

Important information
Pristaniška street, Carpacciov trg, Prešernov trg, , Koper
Facebook event
Entrance fee
family ticket


On Sunday, the streets of the old city center in Koper will already be at 10 o'clock turned into a magical, lively and experienced venue for many activities, workshops and performances. The beginning of the Magic Day will be announced by Koper majorettes and young dancers.

On The magic stage, which will stand on Carpaccio square, will perform during the day Nuša Derenda, Anika Horvat, Samuel Lucas, Alenka Gotar, Damjana Golavšek and others. Harbor Street will be dedicated to workshops and presentations of dance, theater, sports and other local societies. Children will be able to participate in a variety of sports, creative and other animation workshops in the colorful settings of magical lands Pike Nogavička, Maja Bee, Janko and Metka and Peter Pan. They will be able to develop their creativity in making musical instruments, handbags, necklaces, newspapers, wood and paper products, enjoy themselves at sports venues and participate in adventurous adventures. On Prešeren square will be in cooperation with The municipality of Koper shown trading on the market, as was once typical of Slovenian Istria.

Magical days take place four times a year in the most beautiful corners of Slovenia and are primarily intended for families who want to spend their free time actively. Netvizija, in cooperation with local associations and sponsors, ensures that young people learn about the ethnological peculiarities of places, encounter the importance of environmental protection, develop their creativity and have fun with dance, music and sports. It will be this time too the Red Thread the humanitarian nature of the event, as the organizer will with the help of the Association of Friends of Youth and sponsors and partners 100 children from a socially weaker environment enabled free extracurricular activities throughout the 2011/12 school year.



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