
A man who doesn't deserve you: that's how you find out he HAS ANOTHER


Although it hurts, it's better to accept that your crush has settled down with someone else than to keep throwing sand in your eyes - that's how you find out that your partner has someone else.

Sometimes it's hard to know if the person you've chosen is found happiness elsewhere or is it just about innocent friendship. Maybe so you discover!

You hear rumors.

If you hear a rumor that someone heard from someone, that someone heard from someone that their friend saw your partner on a date, there is a certain probability that it is true. Of course, before jumping to conclusions, check the truth of such rumors, because you don't want to ruin your relationship because of untrue rumors. This will show that you don't trust him and are checking him out!

If you find out that the rumors are true, it would be good to talk to him about the actions, but do not attack him, but calmly ask him why he did this to you! From the conversation, you will find out what is the next step you should take. Are you ready to let go?

Sometimes the rumors are true, sometimes not - check them out
Sometimes the rumors are true, sometimes not - check them out

Cut off contact with you.

If your crush suddenly breaks off otherwise frequent contacts, ask yourself why this happened. He may be busy, or he may have entered into a romantic relationship with another person. In any case, such behavior is not acceptable. We owe each other at least an explanation!

You feel a change in behavior.

Maybe your crush didn't cut you out of her life, but suddenly she started to behave significantly differently. There are, of course, many reasons for such a change, and one of them is that the person fell in love with someone else. It's okay to talk about why this happened. Ask him if you made a mistake!

The ambiguity of the relationship often hurts us more than the ugly truth
The ambiguity of the relationship often hurts us more than the ugly truth

He just tells you.

Sometimes you will have to face the naked truth. And you're rarely ready for it. However, this may be the cleanest way to pick yourself up and heal your wounds as quickly as possible.

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