
A miracle trick that can remove all stains from clothes – from grease to wine, with just 3 ingredients from the kitchen!

Photo: envato

Have you ever spilled greasy food on your favorite shirt or gotten red wine at a party? What would you give to know this trick that will get rid of all stains?

How to remove stains? When an unfortunate event happens, people usually do two mistakes They either let the stain dry or immediately rub it with a cloth and hot water, which usually makes things worse. The right technique, however, will remove the stain quickly, no matter how stubborn it is.

Why conventional methods don't work

Most stain removal methods follow the same pattern – the garment immediately rinse under water and rub with soapThis works for some stains, but for others it causes the dirt to soak in even deeper.

Hot water For oily stains, it can cause the oil to stick to the fabric even more instead of removing it.

Strong cleaners They often contain chemicals that can be too harsh for certain types of fabrics. Not only can they weaken the fibers, they often leave bleach stains or discolor the fabric.

Oops, the wine spilled. Photo: Freepik

How to remove grease stains? A simple trick with three ingredients from the kitchen

Everyone has encountered annoying oil, wine, or coffee stains that seem impossible to remove. But there's a simple trick that doesn't require expensive cleaning products—just three kitchen ingredients: salt, baking soda, and liquid detergent.

Step by step: how to remove a stain quickly

  1. Cover the stain with salt. – Sprinkle it with enough salt to completely cover it with a thick layer. The salt will absorb excess liquid and prevent the stain from penetrating deeper into the fabric.
  2. Add baking powder – Sprinkle baking powder in equal proportions, which will help break down the grease and neutralize the stain.
  3. Apply liquid detergent – A few drops of detergent will further dissolve the grease and allow for more effective cleaning.
  4. Use baking paper and an iron – Place a sheet of baking paper on the stain and iron it for a few minutes, applying light pressure so that the heat activates the cleaning mixture.
  5. Create a cleaning paste – After removing the baking paper, rub the resulting mixture into the fabric with your fingers so that the particles bond and form a thick paste that will remove even the most stubborn stains.

This trick is not only effective on grease stains, but also on red wine, coffee, and other stubborn stains. Try it next time before you give up on your garment – the results will surprise you!

The biggest advantage of this method

This method does not require vigorous scrubbing, long soaking, or the use of bleaches that damage fibers. It works on a variety of fabrics, from cotton to synthetics, without compromising their quality.

It is not about any complex chemical formula, but rather a combination of elements that together create an effect that other means cannot.

How to deal with different types of stains

How to properly clean stains? Photo; Freepik

Grease stains First sprinkle with salt or cornstarch, as these will absorb excess grease. Wait a few minutes, then pour liquid dishwashing detergent over the stain and gently rub into the fabric. Leave for at least 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water and wash in the washing machine.

Wine stains Blot immediately with a paper towel, do not rub to prevent it from soaking deeper into the fibers. Then sprinkle baking soda on it and let it absorb the liquid. Once the stain is dry, shake off the soda and pour a mixture of white vinegar and cold water in a ratio of 1:1. After a few minutes, wash with cold water.

Stubborn stains from chocolate, coffee or sauces First rub with a mixture of baking soda and water, leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

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