
Recipe: Oven-roasted chestnuts that taste like they've been roasted over a fire

Photo: envato

Autumn brings golden colors, cooler days and the intoxicating smell of roasted chestnuts, which accompanies us on walks through the city streets or gatherings around an open fire. It is a tasty and nutritious autumn delicacy that can be enjoyed both at home and outdoors. Traditionally, we bake it on a fire, but sometimes we don't have the opportunity to light a real fire or we want to prepare it in the comfort of our own home. The good news is that you can also prepare chestnuts in the oven, which will taste very similar to those roasted on coals. Chestnuts in the oven are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, with that characteristic smoky aftertaste that reminds us of the fire and autumn evenings.

Chestnut it's not just a snack - it's rich in fibre, B vitamins, vitamin C and minerals such as magnesium, potassium and iron. It is an excellent source of energy, but also easy on the stomach, which is why throughout history it has been an indispensable food in winter. Today, roasted chestnuts are a popular autumn snack that warms us from the inside, so this recipe is perfect for cold evenings.

Photo: envato

Although chestnuts roasted on the fire give a special experience, with a few tricks you can achieve that the one from the oven will taste almost the same. In this recipe, we will guide you through the preparation, which will ensure that you enjoy the perfect roasted chestnuts right at home.

How to choose the right chestnut?

Before we start the preparation, it is important to choose the right chestnut. The best chestnuts are large, firm and free of any signs of rot or holes that might indicate the presence of pests. The shell should be shiny and without cracks. Once you buy chestnuts, store them in a cool, dry place to keep them fresh until ready to use.

Roasted chestnut in the oven

  • Servings: 4
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Rating: ★★★★★
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  • 1 kg of fresh chestnuts
  • coarse sea salt
  • water


  1. Preparation of chestnuts: First, choose fresh, firm chestnuts with a shiny skin. The shell should be undamaged and without holes. Wash them well under running water to remove dirt.
  2. Slitting the chestnuts: Slit each chestnut using a sharp knife. Make a cut about 2-3 cm long along the protruding part of the chestnut to prevent it from exploding during baking. Be careful to cut into the skin only and not the flesh of the chestnut.
  3. Soak Chestnuts: To achieve a flavor similar to roasting over a fire, soak chestnuts in cold water for 20-30 minutes. This will contribute to greater juiciness and a softer interior.
  4. Preheat the oven: While the chestnuts are soaking, preheat the oven to 220°C. Prepare a baking tray and line it with baking paper.
  5. Sprinkle with salt: Dry the chestnuts and spread them on the baking sheet in one layer. Sprinkle them with coarse sea salt, which will emphasize the natural sweet taste of the chestnuts and add some crunch to them during baking.
  6. Baking: Place the baking tray in the heated oven and bake the chestnuts for 25-30 minutes. While baking, stir the chestnuts once so that they brown evenly on all sides. When the skins are dark brown and the edges of the chestnuts begin to open, they are done.
  7. Rest: When you take the chestnuts out of the oven, wrap them in a tea towel and let them rest for about 10 minutes. This step is key to easier peeling of the chestnuts, as the skin will be softer and easier to separate from the kernel.
  8. Serving: Peel the chestnuts and serve while still warm. Enjoy the pleasant smoky taste that will remind you of the one roasted on the fire.

Now that you know how to prepare chestnuts in the oven, which will remind you of cold autumn evenings by the fire, you can enjoy this delicious autumn treat at home without any worries. Enjoy the crunch with your friends or family and indulge in the flavors of nature.

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