
A Slovenian filmed an amazing flight with a parachute from the top of Grintovec

Parachute jump from Grintovec.

While you were still sound asleep on Saturday, the Slovenian alpinist Anže Čokl went to the 2558 high Grintovec in the Kamnik-Savinja Alps and "descended" from the top with a parachute. A video was created that will make you all want to be in his shoes, even if it means getting up at four in the morning!

Grintovec is the highest peak Kamnik-Savinja Alps and a popular spot for hikers. A Slovenian alpinist also went there on Saturday morning Anže Čokl, who, instead of walking back to the valley, just waved her off with a parachute.

READ MORE: The historic first jump with a wingsuit was performed in Slovenia

Chokl during the flight from Grintovec.
Chokl during the flight from Grintovec.

He captured his sailing over vast Slovenia with a camera and divine view shared with the world. Slovenia, where does your beauty come from...

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