
A Social Life: A short film about the double life we live in the age of social media

The movie A Social Life

Let's face it, we all lie, and we can't help it. We inflate things to make them seem more interesting and fun, and crave the reactions of others to make ourselves feel better. With the advent of social networks, all of this only intensified (and the mood became directly proportional to the number of likes), and the award-winning short film A Social Life shows how we are with the advent of Facebook, Instagram, etc. started living a double life and how easy it is to trick people into living a life we're not really living.

V era of social networks we live a double life. Indeed, our life through the eyes of the Internet is quite at odds with our everyday life, which only we really know. This time, we're not going to look at a real-life mapping of our online behavior (see that below), but a short film A Social Life directors Kerith Lemon, which takes us behind the scenes of the life we live online through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

A Social Life outlines the dark side of social networks.
A Social Life outlines the dark side of social networks.

As it turns out through the life of a young girl, this is far from it not so exciting and picturesque, as portrayed by our social media profiles.

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Social Experiment: Social Networks in Real Life:

But the film highlights something else that is particularly frightening. We are all our own dictators and subjects in one, who do not dare to send the truth to the world, because we are afraid that we will not be interesting enough for him.

Movie A Social Life:

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