
A strong, self-respecting woman will NEVER be with a man like that

Strong women are not looking for a partner who is jealous and without ambition. Strong women need a man who is proud of them and is not afraid to admit their mistakes.

Every woman has a certain type of man, s with whom she would build her love story – and so some are looking for a partner who will take care of them, while others want power in a relationship.
If you are one of these strong women, then you definitely have certain REQUIREMENTS that must be met, before you completely surrender to the flow of love.

A strong, self-respecting woman will NEVER be with a man like that…

If you are a strong woman who knows what she wants to achieve in life, you definitely have your own expectations for a relationship. You won't find a perfect partner (you're not perfect either), but it's okay to look for a man who participates in a relationship. The man who forms half. The half that becomes a whole together with you!

  • A strong woman knows that she is wasting her time with such a man, so she will avoid him in a wide circle, because he will only bring her suffering, alas, not happiness.
You won't find a perfect partner!
You won't find a perfect partner!

Many scientists have written about whether jealousy is healthy or not. It's safe to say that within limits that don't harm your relationship, jealousy is acceptable, but possessiveness that leads to psychological violence is inexcusable.

  • Strong women fight to achieve their goals, so they interact with women and men on a daily basis. If she notices that this does not suit her man and is sickly jealous, she will continue her journey on her own, because she knows that she does not need someone who is constantly clipping her wings.
Women are the engine of the world.
Women are the engine of the world.

Women are the drivers of change. They also proved this in the field of love. If you observe your relationship or the relationships of friends, relatives..., you will find that in most relationships it is the woman who takes the initiative for many things and most projects are part of her initiative.

  • Because a strong woman knows what she wants, eventually her partner's indecision will begin to bother her to the point that she ends the romantic relationship. Despite her feelings, it will be difficult for her to stay with someone who has no goals and "slows down" their relationship. 

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