
Top chefs' trick: How to roast onions so they're juicy and odor-free

Photo: grok

Roasting onions is the basis of many delicious dishes, but proper preparation can significantly improve the end result. Have you ever wondered how professional chefs achieve the perfect softness and sweetness of onions without filling the kitchen with a strong aroma? We reveal their secrets to you!

Roasting onions is a culinary technique that requires more than just heating oil and adding chopped onions. Top chefs use simple but effective tricks to enhance the flavor and texture of onions and reduce unpleasant odors during cooking.

1. Adding baking soda and sugar

When you add the chopped onion to a heated pan with oil, sprinkle a pinch of baking soda and sugarBaking soda accelerates the breakdown of onion fibers, leading to faster softening and caramelization, while sugar brings out the natural sweetness of the onion. This combination creates a rich, sweet flavor that enhances any dish.

Photo: envato

2. Preventing the spread of unpleasant odors

One of the main reasons for unpleasant odors when sautéing onions is the release of sulfur. Adding baking soda helps neutralize these compounds, reducing the intensity of the odor in the kitchen. This way, you can enjoy cooking without worrying about the onion smell taking over your home.

3. Improved digestibility and texture

Baking soda not only reduces odors, but also helps the onions to be more digestible. Additionally, braised onions with baking soda become thicker, which can eliminate the need for additional thickening sauce or browning. This means fewer extra calories and a more natural flavor to the dish.

Photo: envato

4. Practical tips for perfectly stewing onions

  • Preparation: Cut the onion into even slices or cubes to ensure even cooking.
  • Heating the oil: Use a good quality oil and heat it to medium temperature before adding the onion.
  • Adding soda and sugar: Immediately after adding the onion to the pan, sprinkle a pinch of baking soda and sugar and mix well.
  • Damping: Cook over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, until the onion is golden brown and soft, which usually takes 10–15 minutes.
  • Spices: Add salt and other spices to taste towards the end of cooking to maintain the full flavor.

With these simple tricks, you will achieve the perfect braised onion that will enrich your dishes and impress your guests. Don't be afraid to experiment and adapt the techniques to your culinary preferences. Bon appetit!

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