
A video that will make you want to put down your phone for a moment. Because life has no possibility of self-correction.

Richard Williams, with the stage name Prince Ea, once again knocks on our consciousness with a rhyming message in the video "Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?" as ever surrounded by things that bring us closer together. But the screens began to change faces and the fullness of the battery replaced the fullness of life.

Richard Williams, a rapper and activist who performs under the name Prince Ea, calls for an end digital madness, to contain the digital pandemic, which is making us the exact opposite of what it is trying to achieve on the surface. Because of her, we are becoming more and more egotistical and among themselves we slide apart like glaciers in Antarctica. We are losing genuine human contact, although we are throughout in contact.

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Before phone screens on average, we spend just four years, which is huge, considering that we spend three of them on the toilet. Probably, these years are partially covered. Although this one technology it claims to connect us, it really directs us to where it is "link", not where the man is. And social networks they are not social, but antisocial, because with the expansion of the list of friends on Facebook, our list of them is actually shrinking. Your own own value we started measuring with likes, followers, etc.

Mind in the head, not in the hands.
Mind in the head, not in the hands.

When we say we want to meet face to face, people think of Skype, not to a meeting somewhere in the city. And no, it's not the biggest disaster if we only have one more battery bar, the biggest disaster is because people have more and more dashes across our name in their list of real (not Facebook) friends. You think you you manage smartphone? Why doesn't he manage you? Take over again control over life.

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