
A woman who values herself should make these 15 decisions, especially the ninth one!

"A woman is like a tea bag - you only find out how strong she is when she finds herself in hot water." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"Do one thing you think you can't do. May you fail. Then try again. In the second, it makes it better. The people who never fail are the ones who never try. This is your moment. Grab it.” – Oprah Winfrey

1. Look in the mirror and allow yourself to like what you see.

2. Allow yourself to be who you are!

3. Raise your standards.

4. Look for the good in other people instead of focusing on the bad.

5. Accept the bad moments in life.

Allow yourself to be who you are!

6. Get rid of what you no longer need.

7. Be gentle with yourself when learning something new.

8. Don't be afraid if you don't know something. You can learn anything.

9. Stop apologizing to those who didn't deserve it.

10. Learn the difference between cessation and saturation.

Be gentle with yourself when learning something new.

11. Stop rushing things that take time to happen.

12. Let love guide you!

13. Be thankful for today.

14. Travel to the place you are thinking about. It's in your heart for a reason!

15. Stop trying to get to where you think you should be and realize that you are exactly where you should be right now.

Let love guide you!

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