
According to the horoscope, this is the reason why he hasn't messaged you yet

Are you waiting for a message?

Photo: Bruno Gomiero / Unsplash

Messages. Messages. Messages. The eternal dilemma. Countless questions. Expectations. Disappointments. Good luck. Sadness. Zakayev.

Why hasn't he texted you yet, even though you texted him hours ago? Anger, disappointment, rage are growing in you.

Let's see where the reason is. What do the stars say, maybe they have the answer to your questions?

Why a person from a particular astrological sign does not reply to your messages, here are the reasons.


They read your message and replied in their mind, but forgot to send it.


They kept trying to come up with the perfect answer, but they weren't sure what to answer.

Constantly staring at the phone will not write his message. Photo: V / Unspalsh


They prepared a bunch of replies but never sent any. They procrastinate because they are perfectionists.


They don't like texting and would rather call you. They wait for the first time to talk.


You distracted them, while watching TV or while reading a book. They can't help sending short messages, they are completely confused.

A virgin

They didn't see your message. If we did, we would respond immediately.


They are busy answering a million other messages. You're not the only one waiting for an answer.


They are in a bad mood and don't want to risk sending you the wrong answer. They prefer to wait until they are in a better mood again.

I write him another message... No way! Photo: Yura Fresh / Unsplash


They are doing something fun. They prefer living life to looking at the phone.


They are busy and have no time for anyone, not even friends. They prioritized their careers.


They don't want to bother you at the wrong time. They are worried that they will text you too much or that they will disturb you.


They don't respond because they are too busy analyzing your words. They are trying to figure out exactly what you meant.

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