
Actions that will make a woman say that a man is bad in bed!

Men, think a little!

Sexual relations are not scenes from adult films and have little to do with them. Many times, men imitate the positions and movements from such movies, which can make women very uncomfortable.

1. Accelerated hip movement

If a man penetrates a woman hard with his genitals and imitates a drilling machine, he probably doesn't have much experience in the bedroom, he claims Claire Cavanah is the co-author of Moregasm: Babeland's Guide to Mind-Blowing Sex.

He may be in a hurry because he is afraid of losing his erection or of climaxing too quickly. A slower rhythm is definitely recommended, which will bring more pleasure to the woman.

2. Avoiding the clitoris

Although the clitoris is often called the magic button, some men avoid it during intercourse. Give your partner brief instructions on the clitoris or reveal to him which touches suit you best. A man who avoids him - leave him, because he is clearly not interested in women's pleasures, but only his own.

3. He brags about the size of his penis

A woman will be repulsed by a partner who declares during intercourse that he has a huge penis and expects her to confirm it. Such a man is arrogant or compensates for his lack of self-confidence with the size of his genitals. If you're still interested, it's best to reassure him and admit that his size is perfect for you, and then have a serious conversation with him.

He brags about the size of his penis.

4. Insisting on climax

Some women are unable to climax every time they have sex. Although it's nice if she achieves it, it's wrong to pressure your partner or ask her why she hasn't achieved it yet.

Many women need clitoral stimulation to climax. If the usual techniques do not bring the desired results, you can include a vibrator or similar toy in the bedroom by prior agreement.

5. Searching for a cell phone a second after the relationship

In the past, women complained about men turning over and falling asleep immediately after climaxing. Today, however, more and more people reach for their mobile phones after sex to check what's new on social networks.

It would be best if cell phones were banned in the bedroom to prevent such situations that can hurt women's or men's feelings. The phone is acceptable only in emergency situations.

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