
Adidas BVG × EQT 93/17: a subway ticket right at "adidaska"

Adidas BVG × EQT 93/17 – subway ticket right on the “adidaska”

Adidas partnered with a company that, unless you've already visited Berlin, you probably don't know. It is, at first impression, a rather unusual collaboration between companies that should have nothing in common, but apparently do. BVG is the provider of public transport services in Berlin. Listen to the story.

Sport shoe BVG × Adidas EQT 93/17 (quite a complicated name, huh) is the result of a collaboration between the mentioned two companies.

BVG, the subway system, is namely on Adidas model EQT 93/17 found an annual ticket. The owners of the slippers will not need a classic ticket, but they will walked through the security system, of course in said slippers. The ticket is at slipper language, which are partially colored in the colors of the seats on the BVG subway train, namely in red, blue and black color.

The cheapest version of the slipper costs 738 euros, but they just did 500 pieces.

Gallery: Adidas BVG × EQT 93/17 – subway ticket right on the "adidas"

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More information:
bvg.de and adidas.com

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