
Adidas x KZK ZXZ 750 RG 84-Lab - would you wear dirty sneakers?

The days when we carefully looked after the eternity of the shining whiteness of our sports shoes are over. At least that's what Adidas says, because with the Adidas x KZK ZXZ 750 RG 84-Lab model, they marked the beginning of a new era.

Basic information
Adidas x KZK ZXZ 750 RG 84-Lab
The price

Every time we treat ourselves to a brand new pair of white sneakers, our number 1 fear is that they will come into contact with any kind of dirt. Puddles become our worst enemy and we cry when we get caught in the rain in the middle of a perfectly beautiful day.

Stains that even the best housewife can't handle
Stains that even the best housewife can't handle

READ MORE: Adidas sneakers Instagrammed
Those times are over, because they are at Adidas with a model Adidas x KZK ZXZ 750 RG 84-Lab marked the beginning of a new era. The fruit of a collaboration between a sports mogul and a designer To Kuzuki Kuraishi it is a snow-white pair of sneakers with the addition of synthetic mud instead of a sole.

Mud instead of a sole
Mud instead of a sole

For some, an inspiring project, which gives classic footwear a special modern "streetwear" charm, is something unimaginable for others. Would for Adidas x KZK ZXZ 750 RG 84-Lab shell out 160 euros, or would you rather take them to the dry cleaners?

Aesthetic bums or something completely unwelcome?
Aesthetic bums or something completely unwelcome?

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