
Adobe Ink digital pencil and Slide ruler: the future of creative technology

For a long time, the Ink digital pencil and the Slide ruler were just a mirage in the world of IT enthusiasts: they hid under the mysterious but well-deserved name of Project Mighty and Napoleon, and only a select few could finally test them.

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Adobe Ink & Slide
The price

An extremely poorly kept secret by Adobe which was leaked to the public a year ago, has finally taken physical form. Selected users had the opportunity to test Ink digital pencil and Slide ruler, the first product with which Adobe, famous for its excellent software, enters the world of hardware.

Ink is housed in a handy box for safe carrying and charging. Digital pencil in a triangular, wrap-around aluminum case with a white tip and white finial and an LED light with a color of the user's choice. The stylistic simplicity, comfortable ergonomic design and lightness ensure that the workaholic hands of creative people will not feel pain and fatigue even after prolonged use. Thanks to the Pixelpoint equipment in Ink, the user independently regulates the pressure on the base and thus indulges in the realistic feeling of creating with a good old wooden pencil.

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Ink digital pen
Ink digital pen

And the Slide, a half aluminum half plastic ruler just the right size, which is more than that. Together they can do the most and although you don't need a v Adobe Creative Cloud (Adobe Creative Cloud), this one is definitely recommended, because Ink and Slide shine here: creation starts easily, by connecting via Bluetooth and pressing a button on the ruler, which connects it to the tablet and the many functions of the program and applications that are sufficient even demanding needs.

And the Slide, a half aluminum half plastic ruler
And the Slide, a half aluminum half plastic ruler

It is available Adobe Sketch, an app that allows freehand sketching on a responsive pad, a wide color palette, and sharing work on Behance while you're creating it. And the Line application, thanks to which perfect circles, balanced shapes and truly straight lines can also be achieved digitally. Selecting the right function on the ruler connects the points into precise shapes, and there are also French curves for vehicle designers, the use of repeating shapes and a function that allows you to 'drag' already saved images into the sketch. All mobile creators will appreciate the quick saving and sharing of work and the easy transfer of digitized drafts to a laptop.

The advanced Ink and Slide digital tools recreate the pleasure of freehand drawing to such an extent that the user will only have to be careful not to forget and start biting the tip of the aluminum Ink just like with wooden pencils.

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More information: adobe.com

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