
Mountain Wake Jam: the most adrenaline-pumping event in Krvavec

On the last Saturday in August, the third branching competition will be held at the highest point of the Krvavec ski area. The Mountain Wake Jam event will reunite two seemingly completely different concepts - wakeboarding, which is associated with the sea and summer and the mountain environment.

Important information
Facebook event
Entrance fee
MWJ package: 13 euros

At Zvoh, the highest point of the Krvavec ski area (1971 m above sea level), there is an accumulation lake, where this year will be the venue for the third branching competition. In addition to a good dose of adrenaline, the organizers of Mountain Wake Jam promise good fun with our and foreign best wakeboarders.

Competition venue
Competition venue

Info Box

More information: www.rtc-krvavec.si

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