
Advice from a fitness trainer: What to do so that the body starts burning fat?

Kaj narediti, da bo telo začelo kuriti maščobo?
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There is a simple answer to the question of what to do to make the body start burning fat! It is necessary to create a calorie deficit, which means that you need to eat fewer calories than you burn. This can be achieved through a combination of a healthy diet and regular physical activity. In this way, you will say goodbye to fatty deposits.

What to do so that the body starts burning fat? It's important to focus on healthy and balanced diet, which contains enough protein, fiber, healthy fats and carbohydrates. Avoid processed foods, sugar and unhealthy fats.

Regular physical activity such as cardio exercise and weight training, can help increase calorie expenditure and stimulate the burning of fat deposits. In addition, you can also include other activities such as walking, running, swimming or cycling.

In addition to diet and exercise, it can also help you sufficient amount of sleep, as lack of sleep is associated with an increase in hunger and a decrease in metabolism.

It is also important to be patient, because weight loss it is not always immediate. With a healthy lifestyle, you can achieve lasting results and maintain a healthy weight.

The process of losing weight is not simple, and with the right advice, support and persistence, anyone can achieve the desired results.

Losing weight is not easy. Photo: Towfiqu Barbhuiya / Unsplash

What to do so that the body starts burning fat?

The first strategy is when we do long cardio training (e.g. running), after 20-30 minutes, we start using sugar from the blood, muscles and liver and switch to burning fat for energy.

If you don't like this activity, don't give up. There are more ways to get rid of extra pounds.

Another strategy, which gives a huge number of people incomparably better results is 3-4 training sessions per week. Twenty minutes of exercises to strengthen the body is enough for the body to burn fat deposits more, not only during training, but also 24-48 hours after training.

When is the right time to exercise?

The first one is around 8 am. With morning training, we speed up circulation, exercise, and feel more confident because we know that we have completed the training.

Exercise! Photo: He lazy artist gallery / Pexels

The second is in the afternoon around 6 p.m. Relaxation after a stressful day. Then we often have more energy for weight training, and consequently less chance of overeating at night.

Ideally, yes we don't train an hour before bed, if we train in a fitness center, it is ideal even longer, because training in a fitness center, lots of people, bright lights, loud music stimulate and wake us up.

The process is not easy, because with most valuable things in life, the beginning is probably the hardest part, but as days and weeks go by, it becomes easier and more interesting, and people start to like training and fitness and healthy eating.

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