
Aer GoPro Dart – and sports camera, you can throw as you please

Aer GoPro Dart Sports Camera Housing

Although GoPro sports cameras are extremely durable, you can't exactly throw them around and expect them to take all the drops. This is why the Aer GoPro Dart was created, a foam housing in the shape of a dart pen. rocket tail however you want, turning your GoPro camera into a spear.

Aer wants you to shoot aerial footage by throwing instead of using drones GoPro sports cameras through the air. Since these are just not durable enough to survive falls from a great height, they made them Air GoPro Dart, a foam housing that allows the camera to be thrown at will without fear of destroying it. It may not be such a sophisticated way of shooting aerial footage, but when you compare the price of a good drone to the price of an Aer GoPro Dart that costs 49 euros, the matter makes sense.

Air GoPro Dart allows you to capture of aerial photographs only by closing the case. If you don't want to capture video, you can switch to rapid succession capture (burst) and create a unique aerial selfie. Of course, the Air GoPro Dart is not for recording 20-minute videos, unless you throw it from an airplane, but as you can see in the presentation video, aerial shots of a few seconds are more than attractive and you will not have any hiccups after a sports camera. The camera thrower is submersible and waterproof, so you can use it in water.

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The housing for the Aer GoPro Dart sports camera allows you to take unique selfies.
The housing for the Aer GoPro Dart sports camera allows you to take unique selfies.

Aer GoPro Dart is compatible with sports cameras GoPro Hero 3+, 4 and 5. We install the camera in a special groove, activate it and the throwing can begin. The gadget is not so much for serious use as for fun. They also give you a gift with your purchase purse for easier portability.

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Aer GoPro Dart Sports Camera Housing

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