
Aerion AS2 - the first commercial supersonic aircraft that will fly at a speed of almost 2000 km/h

When we read about luxury aircraft, the emphasis is mostly on the quality of first class, but the fact that time (flights) is at least as important as comfort is neglected. It's true that we can do practically anything our hearts desire above the clouds, but if we could get to the finish line first, why not trade first class for that? It's okay if you can't decide which is better, because the supersonic Aerion AS2 will offer both.

Aerion AS2 is premium supersonic aircraft, which will be to achieve speed 1959 km/h (1,217 mph) used supersonic laminar flow and you will from London to New York led to mere three hours or from Los Angeles to Tokyo in six. Let someone else say that time is not relative. Of course, this kind of technology comes with a price, which in this case will be more than 75 million euros.

Thin as a toothpick.
Thin as a toothpick.

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It's a plane the fruit of cooperation honey Airbus (European manufacturers of jet passenger aircraft) and American aeronautical companies Aerion, in which they hope to begin test flights for years 2019, and placed them on regular lines for years 2022.
Although the speed of this passenger flight seems to be a record, let's remember that it is famous Concord flew at a speed of approx 2200 km/h. However, apples and pears should not be mixed, as AS2 will be business, just under ten meters long luxury plane (for 12 people), while the "hanging nose" was much larger.

There won't be much time for comfort, because you'll be at your destination in no time.
There won't be much time for comfort, because you'll be at your destination in no time.

With the retirement of the Concorde (27 years of service) in 2003 the period has ended passenger supersonic aircraft, the record holder of the fastest commercial aircraft in the world (on average these fly between 770-990 km/h)- and return to supersonic era (breaking the sound barrier) - will now belong to AS2.

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