
Affirmations for good luck in 2022: Make this your mantra in the coming year

Photo: envato

I don't know what you are going through right now. You may have woken up to some unpleasant news this morning. You may have heard some bad news. You might close your eyes to avoid seeing his or her belongings strewn around the apartment. You might be scrolling through social media or staring at the TV, hoping for a sign that something will change.

I don't know, are you happy? Are you lonely? Are you burdened by yesterday or looking forward to the future? Can't forget someone? Have you left a relationship and are wondering if you made the right decision?

I don't know the details about you. What makes you unique? What do you care about? Who are you when the lights go out and you're all alone?

We're all just human.

And we're all fighting through this mess together. We all have days when it feels like the sun shines just for us, and days when we can't shake the darkness no matter what we do. We all have half broken hearts, vices, problems, successes and fears.

We are all unique.

But despite this, we share the hope for a good life, we have similar desires for love and longings. Therefore, I hope that today, wherever you are, whoever you are, you learn and repeat these words: "I am happy. I like to have fun. I am strong.”

You are strong. You can do it. Believe in yourself. Photo: Brooke Cagle/Unsplash

No matter who you are, you have overcome many things. No matter how many times you fell, you got up and got back on your feet. No matter what weight was placed on your shoulders or heart, you found a way to love and forgive.

Speak words of kindness to each other.

Tell yourself that you are capable, that you are strong, that every day is a beautiful day and that you are worthy of anything you desire.

You are not a perfect person, you will not always do the right things, but you are filled with love.

There are still a lot of things ahead of you that you need to achieve and accomplish. Hearts that you will love, steps and opportunities, dreams.

On the days when you lose hope, remember that this is just a detour on the road to happiness.

In moments when you don't know what else to do to feel better, repeat these words! Over and over until you remember them, until they find their place in you. "I am happy. I like to have fun. I am strong!”

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