
Africa in Slovenia: Awakening the Sacred Feminine Energy

  Eleftheria Kakambouras, a South African woman, is coming to Slovenia again. She carries within her the ancient knowledge of the feminine essence, with which she helps to activate the cellular memory of authentic female energy. The Africa-Slovenia bridge will be reunited in August in Bled. Welcome!

Important information
Hotel Ribno pri Bled, Ribno pri Bled
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Through her own healing journeys and through working with others, Eleftheria has found and assembled the right blend of wonderful consciousness-raising tools that she shares with women around the world today. Due to the wonderful responses and great interest after the seminar in April, we are repeating the event in August and continuing with the crepitation of the combined energies of Africa and Slovenia.

Activation of the authentic woman

The time is ripe for the return of the ancient knowledge that we women have always carried inside us and suppressed, forgotten and buried in our wounds over the course of millions of years. It is the birthright of each of us to carry the natural cellular memory of the sacred soul record that radiates the authentic divine feminine. The soul knows this, feels it, and more and more shines out fragments of the wonderful, magnificent and powerful energy of creation. We will bring all of this to life through gatherings at the workshop, when we will immerse ourselves in the original cellular memory, activate it and remove the veils that still limit us from expressing our full female potential.

At the seminar, we will activate cellular memory, harmonize it with the frequencies of the new age, purify old energies and integrate our original feminine nature. In the in-depth follow-up seminar (Sacred Feminine Alchemy: 30 August - 1 September), we will learn about sacred feminine alchemy, a deeper connection with our higher self, expression, creativity, the art of co-creating an awakened world for a new level of life and generations to come.

You will leave the seminar with a clear awareness of a heart-centered existence, a clearer perception of one's intuition, an activated inner guidance of the soul, a lighter weight of guilt and self-criticism due to limiting beliefs, richer for a strong experience of one's inner sacred femininity and divine sexuality, transformed in relation to oneself and one's body, empowered in recognizing the language of your body as a tool for a highly conscious life. Ready to step back into your leadership role in your personal and business life as awakened authentic women.

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