
After Vin Diesel Sings Sam Smith's 'Stay With Me' I Don't Know If Anyone Will Stay With Him

Vin Diesel sounds like a broken vin-ilka.

Vin Diesel probably wasn't vin-jen when he broke into Sam Smith's "Stay With Me" the way Serena Williams was during the Wimbledon doubles match, so it'd probably be better if, unlike Will Smith, he just stayed when playing.

Vin Diesel sounds like a broken vin-ilka.
Vin Diesel sounds like a broken vin-ilka.

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Alcohol certainly wasn't the reason why he didn't manage to catch the tones as successfully as the criminals in movies. Ah, I already know what the cause was. It is Vin but diesel! And every diesel takes some time to warm up. In the second, he would probably sing in such a way that you wouldn't be able to tell his version from the original. Apparently, the British also suspected this Sam Smith, the author of the composition, who, when asked about comment on the recording, (probably) joked that he wanted a star »Guardians of the Galaxy" and franchises "Fast and Furious" recorded a duet.

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