
Aging with makeup: See what smoking does to your face

What smoking does to our face

Smoking - in addition to all the other harmful effects on health - also ages the skin. Because of nicotine, this dries out much faster, blood circulation deteriorates, and as a result, the skin cells receive insufficient oxygen for regeneration. This is one of the reasons why smokers look older on average. But it doesn't sound so terrible on paper, so BuzzFeed allowed some smokers to find out for themselves what smoking will do to their face in the aging process.

Smoking ages the face. It is no secret or myth that nicotine adds a few years to our appearance. Due to poorer blood circulation, the skin is thinner, the flow of nutrients deteriorates, etc. Due to these negative effects, the expression "smoking face", which indicates a person who is given more years than they actually have. We have that to thank poison in cigarettes, which change both the color and the quality of the skin. Because of them, its elasticity decreases, and the result is the (premature) appearance of wrinkles around the eyes, lips, cheeks and jaws, and the skin under the eyes betrays us. Not to mention the teeth.

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The aging of makeup caused by smoking convinced Meredith to quit this unhealthy habit.
The aging of makeup caused by smoking convinced Meredith to quit this unhealthy habit.

Many people at a young age whistles for health warnings and many times someone is only sickened by illness or the illness of a loved one. At BuzzFeed have therefore approached awareness somewhat differently. They invited to participate dr. Hays from the Nicotine Dependence Center at the Mayo Clinic and makeup artists, who using make-up as an example of smokers showed, what regular smoking does to a smoker's face. But did such a dramatic style transformation convince them to give up this bad habit or will they continue to think they are Dorian Gray? Check it out in the video, in which you also get a rough picture of what regular smoking does to our face over a period of 20 to 30 years.

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