The dance theater, named after the youngest Grace Aglaja, was founded by choreographer and director Jna Dewulf. Even after several decades, it remains the most important dance house in Bruges, Belgium. The ensemble is famous for its outstanding dance choreographies with flags. Because this kind of dance-movement art is true virtuosity,...
Plesno gledališče, imenovano po najmlajši graciji Aglaji, je ustanovil koreograf in režiser Jna Dewulf. Tudi po nekaj desetletjih ostaja najpomembnejša plesna hiša v belgijskem Bruggu. Ansambel slovi po izjemnih plesnih koreografijah z zastavami. Ker je tovrstna plesno-gibalna umetnost prava virtuoznost, se nam obeta atraktiven in kostumsko zanimiv vizualni spektakel.