
Air Umbrella: Air umbrella

In the near future, pedestrians caught in a downpour could very easily pull a plastic wand that looks like some kind of hair dryer or new massage tool out of their purse. This is the "Air Umbrella", a prototype device from China that blows rain away in a radius of three meters or more.

It's about vision by Chuan Wang and his colleagues from Beijing and Nanjing, who fought very successfully on Kickstarter to fund a new magic rain wand. Weighing just one kilogram, the battery-operated pole is expected to be available for purchase and ready for pesky weather conditions before the end of 2015.

The umbrella of the future.
The umbrella of the future.

Given the short battery life, they say the product will be more suitable for city dwellers and people who own a car. In addition to protecting you from the rain, the umbrella is also very convenient when it is snowing. The power of the umbrella is enough to cover two people under the invisible roof it creates above us. We will obviously find out at the end of next year how annoying such an umbrella will be for passers-by.

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