
Airbag for smartphones

Smartphones have almost become our right hand in everyday life. And if something happens to them (knock on wood three times), it's already a minor drama. Honda has therefore created an airbag frame that completely protects our beloved devices even in the worst falls.

After last year's presentation by Amazon of the first airbag for smartphones and Apple's patent for gas dampers, Honda presented its own version - the Honda Smartphone Case N. It is a bulky frame with six airbags hidden inside, which are activated at just the right time with the help of sensors. to cushion the fall of the phone and thus completely protect it from damage.

How they came up with the idea and more precise operation is described by the Honda developer in the video clip below.

But unfortunately, the smart innovation is just one of Honda's interwoven marketing communication moves to advertise the new N-WGN mini vehicle. As they announced, they do not intend to produce this type of product.


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