
Airbus H160: Peugeot with the helicopter of the future

Helicopter of the future Airbus H160

The Airbus H160 is the helicopter of the future, the result of a collaboration between the car brand Peugeot and the aviation brand Airbus Helicopters. The helicopter, for which the design was contributed by Peugeot or its special department Peugeot Design Lab, and manufactured by Airbus, swallowed a billion euros in the creation phase (but the operating costs are 20 percent lower compared to competitors)! It was presented to the public for the first time at the Heli-Expo event in Orlando, and this civilian helicopter spread its wings for the first time at an air show in Dubai.

Airbus H160 is the civil helicopter of the future that they have curved Peugeot (Peugeot Design Lab) and Airbus Helicopters. The latter, in its nascent phase, reported just 68 patents, and the development cost incredible a billion euros, which did not go anywhere. The Airbus H160 helicopter is in many ways a pioneer. The rotor on its tail was tilted by a dozen degrees, which was supposed to ensure greater stability, while the main rotor has blades "blue edge", which promise less noise.

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The airframe of the Airbus H160 helicopter is from head to toe from composite fibers, and it boasts a double rear stabilizer. The helicopter of the future, which will reach customers for years 2018, offers space for two crew members and 12 passengers, and weighs (depending on the configuration) between 5.5 and 6 tons. It is versatile, so they will be able to use it for business as well as rescue and other purposes.

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