
Airbus Racer: the fastest helicopter in the world

If you didn't know, Airbus also makes helicopters. At this year's Paris Air Show, they presented the design for the aerodynamics of the fastest helicopter, which is being created under the auspices of the European research program Clear Sky 2. They plan to finish the last details in 2019, and a year later, the fastest helicopter in the world, the Airbus Racer, should already be flying.

Racer, as it was named, will fly with at a speed of 400 km/h and it will the most cost-effective helicopter until now. The designers should have achieved this with exceptional precision aerodynamics, which will be made possible by the innovative design box-wing. The helicopter will be equipped with two side engines and one main engine RTM 322. In order to achieve as low fuel consumption as possible, they will also test the operation of the flight mode eco fashion, which allegedly shut down one of the engines during the flight. The metal composites in the frame and the new electric high-voltage generator will ensure a lower weight of this aircraft.

Airbus Racer
Airbus Racer


It's a racer a future concept for air transport, as the need for such services will grow, and speed and cost efficiency will be key to good results.

Image gallery: Airbus Racer helicopter

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