
Airportraits: Lively air traffic at airports in one photo

Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport (Australia)

Air traffic is extremely lively. This is also evidenced by the photos of Mike Kelley, who captured the take-off of planes at eighteen different airports around the world, and combined the individual photos into a single one, which shows how dense air traffic really is, not just proverbially so.

Airplanes at airports take off individually, so sometimes we don't have the feeling that air traffic is really lively. Photographer Mike Kelley and Los Angeles is in his photo series Airportraits into the hunting lens take-off and landing of aircraft and combined the individual photos into a single one that makes us feel as if all planes left the airport at the same time.

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The Airportraits series was in the making two years, and Mike Kelley visited during this time 18 different airports around the world.

Gallery  Airport rates:

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