
Alaka'i Skai: an ultra-futuristic 'drone' for transporting passengers

Alaka'i Skai: an ultra-futuristic 'drone' for transporting passengers

Skai is an electric vehicle that can take off and land vertically, or in short you could call it a passenger drone - it is powered by hydrogen cells and has a simple but safe design.

A startup company from Massachusetts Alaka'i Technologies presented 'drone', which is in charge of transportation passengers and luggage. A team that is otherwise associated with the designers at the Bavarian company BMW also participated in the design.

Sky gets energy from three of hydrogen cells, which drive 6 quiet ones 100 kW electric propellers. The weight it can safely carry is approx 450 kilograms. So it can transport up to 5 people, including the pilot, or 4 people and luggage, Skai flies autonomously or with the help of a pilot who remotely controls the drone. Passengers sit in a V-shaped layout, which allows them to unobstructed 180-degree view above the surroundings. The propellers are moved towards the rear so as not to obstruct the view, but at the same time remove it vibrations and noise from the cabin.
Passengers also have available wi-fi 5G connection.

The advantage of hydrogen cells is that they do not generate during the flight no harmful emissions and have at the same time the smallest carbonaceous footprint. They will be used to make hydrogen cells natural materials, and only the cell will be reusable in 95 %. The rest can be recycled with 99 % efficiency.

In addition to the above, hydrogen cells can provide bigger relationship honey weight and spent energy, as is possible with classic electric motors or internal combustion engines. As a result, we can ensure a longer flight and more cargo carried. Skai can fly to 640 kilometers far and can stay in the air up to 4 hours. With additional hydrogen tanks, it can provide more than 10 hours flying.

Alaka'i Skai
Alaka'i Skai

Skai was designed with the security. Carboniferous composites they are light and at the same time strong enough. In doing so, they give the landing gear something flexibility, which reduces the sensation hard landing.

The Skai does not use complex wing and rotor systems to fly, and with that its use is still safer. Even if a single propeller fails, the Skai is still there capable land. In the worst case scenario, when all 6 propellers fail, the Skai has a built-in parachute. S

stable flight is provided by fly-by-light technology, and they are used for remote control the most modern military data encoding system - so they can seamlessly monitor, manage and control every Skai that is in the air at that moment.

Gallery: Alaka'i Skai

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