
Google's Alan Eustace broke Felix Baumgartner's skydive record

Alan Eustace, Google's vice president of the board, beat Austrian Felix Baumgartner's achievement in the state of New Mexico (USA) and improved the height jump record by a good kilometer and a half, thus moving the bar from 39,045 meters above sea level to 41,419, where he rose from by means of a helium balloon attached to the body and not by means of a capsule like Felix.

57 years old Alan Eustace has broken almost every record there has been in years 2012 set by Baumgartner, the only exception is the final speed (this is still owned by Felix at 1343 km/h).

When he's not Googling for work, Alan Eustace "surfs" the stratosphere in his spare time.
When he's not browsing Google for work, Alan Eustace "surfs" the stratosphere in his spare time.

In the special outfit she's wearing exceeded the speed of sound, the cursor stopped at 1321 km/h, and unlike the Austrian, who had Red Bull's PR machinery behind him and who made the jump in front of the eyes of the whole world, he pulled off the feat without fanfare, in complete media silence. Despite the fact that the "old man" defeated the younger Felix, the latter's achievements should not be neglected, since last but not least plowed the fallow land.

Alan Eustace in his "spacesuit".
Alan Eustace in his "spacesuit".

Jump leading man for science at Google, as well as a war veteran, pilot and paratrooper, was part of a project under the auspices of the corporation Paragon Space Development Corporation, which uncovers the veils the stratosphere and which he planned since 2011.

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He opened the parachute at altitude 5,500 meters, and the flight to the record height took him about two and a half hours. The way back was much faster, because he used everything for the 37,617 meters of height four minutes and 27 seconds.

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