
Arnold Schwarzenegger alarm clock = the most effective alarm clock in the world

Arnold Schwarzenegger alarm clock

Many people have trouble getting up in the morning, which means they have trouble in other areas as well. One is the motivation to move, to perform physical activities. That's why there's an Arnold Schwarzenegger alarm clock in the form of the one and only "Schwarzi", demonstrating how it works with his friend Ralf Moeller. With it, you will no longer have problems getting up and going to training.

Arnold Schwarzenegger alarm clock is the most effective alarm clock in the world. As ”Schwarzi” says, it still is in the trial phase and it will be slightly milder in the production version than now.

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The Arnold Schwarzenegger alarm clock is part of the campaign"Come with me if you want to lift” ("Come with me if you want to lift weights, op. p."), which is a paraphrase of one-liners from Terminator"Come with me if you want to live" ("Come with me if you want to live").

A case of movement, which starts with the purchase of a t-shirt, but is much more than that. Learn more about him here: represent.com

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