
The Sensorwake Trio alarm clock wakes you up with scent, light and sound

Sensorwake Trio

It's hard to find people who don't hate the sound of an alarm clock. If you are also not in favor of waking up in the morning, we offer you a solution. A very special innovation will prepare you for a busy day by activating three different senses.

Sensorwake Trio is the first alarm clock in the world that wakes the user up by relaxing smell, light and sound. The innovative watch offers just that 9 different fragrances, which are in special capsules. One capsule is sufficient for 30 awakenings. When it runs out, you simply replace it and you can continue to wake up to your favorite fragrance.

The process of awakening begins right with smelling. After a minute, the alarm clock starts broadcasting relaxing light, while after two minutes you will also detect sound signals.

It's a device safe, the environment and user friendly and easy to use. All you have to do is insert its plug into the socket, put any fragrance in it and set the alarm time.

You can still support a project that exceeded its monetary goal within 3 hours at Kickstarter. This way, you will have your own alarm clock, which will make it easier for you to wake up in the morning. Sensorwake Trio is available in different packages. The price of the cheapest one, which includes a watch and two fragrance capsules, is 59 US dollars respectively 50 euros. The first customers will get the product, which can be delivered anywhere in the world, this November.

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